(behavior modification training)
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Scooter was described by his previous Owner as "a nasty little dog". He exhibited aggression and bit his Owner, the groomer, and the veterinarian. She said he was an unpredictable biter. In addition, his owner said he would pee all over when let into the house.
I was told he would bite if you tried to bathe him or get scissors anywhere near his face. Since I live in the country with lots of stickers, the first thing I did was trim his face and his feet to prevent them from collecting stickers. He sort of looked like a llama when I was done.
He has made a complete transformation! I have been able to bathe him with ease since the day I got him and he is infinitely patient to let me groom him. I'm not so good with the clippers, so it usually takes close to two hours, but he sits patiently for me.
I have found confining him to a small area is necessary when I am gone to prevent him from peeing all over the house, but he has turned out to be a great dog!
I believe my calm, assertive energy is what enables him to be a calm, submissive dog. The "dog whisperer" method works wonders!