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Do you know the cause?

Debbie Tayler

Sometimes it takes some sleuthing and trial and error to help modify an unwanted behavior. It is imperative to discover the cause of the unwanted behavior in order to help the dog

I am currently working with an adorable Coton De Tulear puppy who is barking and throwing a fit every night from 6 pm to 9 pm, when her Owner sits down to watch television in the living room to relax before going to bed. Meena (the adorable puppy) is genuinely frantic; she barks and jumps on her Owner repeatedly. It is interesting that the behavior only occurs in the evening. I suspect it is because there is a window wall next to the television, which is causing reflections at night and scaring her. Additionally, she seems troubled by the moving tree outside the windows.

We have tried to use the leash to redirect her to sit quietly next to her Owner or lay quietly on the floor, but that isn't proving to be successful. Tonight we will try asking her to lay quietly in her open crate and give her a toy and something to chew on before she becomes upset. The crate is covered (except for the front) and faces her Owner, facing away from the window wall.

I redirect or correct unwanted behavior when the dog's energy level is still at level 1, since it

Coton De Tulear who is afraid of reflections in the window wall at night

is much easier than trying to redirect energy that has already escalated to a level 8 or beyond.


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